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  • Michael Wolff

I am a Believer!

I believe in high intensity strength workouts! I believe that no matter your age, you can get stronger. I want to be strong. I want to build muscles and I don’t want to use a walker when I get older.

I have strength trained more years than I can count. I have been consistent in my workouts since HIT Strength opened. Thirty minutes – twice a week – is perfect for my schedule. I like the accountability of working out with a trainer, because I can make up any excuse not to workout.

Strength training and proper diet go hand in hand. I recently discovered this when I started following WW (former Weight Watchers) and training. I have lost 40 pounds and have seen a change in my arms and my legs. I couldn’t be happier. I added walking to my regiment and after a workout I walk the neighborhood around HIT Strength. It all goes hand in hand.

I tease the trainers that my reason for training is to not use a walker when I get older. I am serious! I will continue strength training until I can’t walk anymore.

Thank you to Mary, Mike and the other trainers. Without you in my life, I would probably be a slug.

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