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  • Michael Wolff

Protein Requirements

Protein Requirements for Building Muscle First and foremost we must stimulate muscles to change. This happens during your strength workout. Then supply the protein to repair and build new tissue. Body Weight in pounds divided by 2.2 X 1.6 = Total grams of protein/day. Example: 155 lbs. divided by 2.2 = 70 kg X 1.6 = 112 g of protein/day. Example: 200 lbs. divided by 2.2 = 91 kg X 1.6 = 145 g of protein/day. Rx: 25 g to 30 g every 3 to 4 hours over 16 hours. Most protein should be high quality animal and plant based protein. Sources: Skim milk 8 oz = 8 g Greek yogurt 6 oz = 10-15 g Lean ham/pork/red meat/fish/chicken/turkey 1 oz = 7 g Lean pork 1 oz = 7 g Lean red meat 1 oz = 7 g Low fat cottage cheese ¼ cup = 7 g Cooked beans (legumes) ½ cup = 7 g 1 Egg = 7 g Milk or egg based dry protein powder 1 oz = 25 g Soy based dry protein powder 1 oz = 25 g Various nutrition bars (various sizes) = 10 g – 30 g

Supplements can makthe body as you start the day. Add fruit (fresh or frozen) to boost the nutritional value and taste of the shake. See staff for recipe ideas to make shakes more palatable. Consuming 25 g immediately post strength workout will increase the formation of new muscle proteins and enhance strength gains.

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